
How to Have Your Shopify Store Appear under Your Domain as

This article is for you, if

– you have a WordPress website or blog and want to keep it with the same host
– you opened a Shopify store with this type of URL
– and you want to map your Shopify store so it appears under your own domain as

>> Note: The process is simple, but it can get confusing, so make sure you focus. Do this only when you have plenty of time and no distractions!

First things first:

1. DO NOT add an A record
2. DO NOT create a subdomain

If you’ve already done either of those, it’s best to choose a different subdomain. So instead of “store” choose “shop” for example. (If you are comfortable with DNS records, by all means, just delete them.)

To have your Shopify store appear under your own domain follow these steps:

1. Login to cPanel and go to DNS Simple

2. You need to add 2 CNAME records. (You do NOT need an A record)


Add first CNAME record:




Add second CNAME record:



 That’s it for cPanel. Nothing else needs to be done here. Log out.


3. Login to your Shopify admin and go to Domains

4. Click on Connect Existing Domain

5. Add and then click Verify (If it doesn’t verify it will give you a prompt about what to do.)

6. Now also add and click Verify

It might have already added your as the Primary domain automatically. If not, go to Domains and select your preferred domain as the Primary Domain.

Most likely your new store domain address will be ready to go right away or within a couple of minutes, but it may take up to 48 hours.

If it doesn’t work on the first try, try again! Slow down and go step by step. There are a lot of details to follow. 


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1 Comment

  1. John
    April 17, 2022 at 8:26 pm

    Thanks for posting this guide! DNS records are so complicated.

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